WHEN in2 = getfileID THEN call ShowHelp('GetFile','Select source file.')
WHEN in2 = getDrawerID THEN call ShowHelp('GetDir','Select source directory.')
WHEN in2 = FromStringID THEN call ShowHelp('Source','Source specifications.')
WHEN in2 = ToStringID THEN call ShowHelp('Destination','Destination specifications.')
WHEN in2 = SetDrawerID THEN call ShowHelp('GetDir','Select destination of the copy operation.')
WHEN in2 = QuietID THEN call ShowHelp('Quiet','Suppresses printing the file names being*ncopied.')
WHEN in2 = QuieterID THEN call ShowHelp('Quieter','Suppresses all messages except errors*nand warnings.')
WHEN in2 = SetArchiveID THEN call ShowHelp('Set Archive','Set the archive bits of the*ncopied files afterwards.')
WHEN in2 = NonAOnlyID THEN call ShowHelp('Non A Only','Copy only files with the archive*nbit cleared.')
WHEN in2 = OverwriteID THEN call ShowHelp('Overwrite','Overwrite destination files in*nany case.')
WHEN in2 = LeaveEmptyID THEN call ShowHelp('Leave Empty','Don''t delete empty directories*nin the destination.')
WHEN in2 = UpdateID THEN call ShowHelp('Update','Update only files with newer creation*ndate.')
WHEN in2 = DeletecopiedID THEN call ShowHelp('Delete copied','Delete files after copying them.*nWARNING:This operation is dangerous!')
WHEN in2 = PurgeOnlyID THEN call ShowHelp('Purge Only','Remove only old files, but do not copy.')
WHEN in2 = PurgeBackupID THEN call ShowHelp('Purge Backup','Remove old files from the backup.*nREMARK:If even write protected obsolete files should be deleted, specify the*nFORCE option as well.')
WHEN in2 = ForceID THEN call ShowHelp('Force','Delete also files that are protected from*ndeletion. This option should be used in conjunction with:*nDELETECOPIED, PURGEBACKUP or PURGEONLY.')
WHEN in2 = BufSizeID THEN call ShowHelp('BufSize','Specify the buffer/chunk size for*nthe asynchronous copy mode.')